A new year and an all new PixelMixer

I want to thank all of our early adopters for jumping on-board and trying out PixelMixer last year.

Myself and the rest of the team have been working hard to optimize the site and make it a great experience all around.

With that, I am pleased to announce an all new version of PixelMixer, which works great across mobile, tablet, iOS, Android, Mac, PC, and your weapon of choice.

You will notice we have updated our color scheme, as well, with a much more friendly color – that I like to call violet.

You should find all of the great features such as screen and webcam recording, transcripts, search, sharing, video editing and others all work the same, just a little bit prettier and easier to find.

We wanted to make a fresh start with 2021, as we have lots of new features in the works that I am very excited about and improvements to the ones we have already.

I would like to encourage you to try out the new UI and provide feedback as I am here for you and to make the site as fun and easy to use as possible.

Don’t forget about our latest Zoom Recordings Import and Sync features, and you for quick access to recording on the go, you can also install PixelFlow for the iPhone from the App Store.

Happy 2021 everyone!!

  1. William Sculley 4 years ago


    Absolutely love it 🙂

  2. Linda E Sculley 4 years ago


    Really great design and easy to use features!

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